Measles Information Poster

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HPSC website

Meningitis can be caused by meningococcal disease, pneumococcal disease or Hib. In Ireland, MenB, MenC, PCV and Hib vaccines are offered to protect against meningitis.

The best way to prevent vaccine preventable diseases is by getting your vaccines on time every time. If your child is due vaccines make an appointment today and get them protected.

Not all strains of meningococcal disease can be prevented through vaccination so it is important to be aware of signs of meningitis  and septicaemia and if you are concerned don’t delay seek medical help immediately.

For more information about the

If you would like to speak to someone about general information about meningitis and meningococcal disease and what to look out for you can contact the Meningitis Research Foundation by phone 1800 41 33 44 (Ireland) or email The helpline hours are Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm


We are pleased to offer immunisation for patients who fall outside the state funded schedule.

Cost: €295 Meningitis B x 2 jabs

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Free GP Care Over 70s

At long last Free GP Care for over 70s has arrived!

Get Started!



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Free GP Care for Children Under 6

Free GP Care for children Under 6 has finally arrived!

Parents can sign up on-line with 5 easy steps. The HSE will then email us for final approval.

Get Started

Yellow Under 6 GP Visit Card

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Kathleen Lynch TD Minister of State for Health meets Dr William Lynch Wexford

Kathleen Lynch TD Minister of State, Department of Health and Dr William Lynch GP EnniscorthyKathleen Lynch TD Minister of State, Department of Health and Dr William Lynch Wexford  pictured  at the  3rd Practice Topics In Primary Care Meeting recently in Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre. The meeting is part of a Meeting Series aimed at Primary Care and Community Care Healthcare Professionals. This educational initiative is a collaboration between Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre, Living Health Clinic , Mitchelstown and is supported by the HSE and Irish College of General Practitioners.

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Zostavax – New Shingles Vaccine

ShinglesShingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a viral infection of a nerve and the  skin supplied by the nerve. It is caused by the varicella-zoster (chicken pox) virus which lies dormant from childhood.

The symptoms of shingles include a blistering skin rash and pain. It occurs in the area of skin supplied by the infected nerve which is usually on the trunk may involve the eye and facial area. Pain (post herpetic neuralgia – PHN) may last for months or years even after the rash has healed and is very debilitating and affects quality of life.

Shingles occurs at any age, but the over 50s are considered at greatest risk . A vaccine against the varicella-zoster virus has become available in Ireland and is highly effective in preventing shingles and its associated complications.

In the UK there is a mass immunisation programme for the over 70s which is funded by the NHS which started in 2013. It is hoped that the HSE will provide a similar service in the coming years.

Whitemill Medical Centre is pleased to announced that Zostavax is available for all patients over the age of 50 years.

For more information on Zostavax telephone 053 914 0000 or complete the On-line Contact Form.

Cost €250.

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Ebola Update

Ebola Virus

Ebola continues to be a serious public health problem in West Africa although there has been success with Nigeria declaring Ebola-free recently.

If you are worried you have contracted Ebola because you have returned from a high risk area or been in direct contact with a person who has contracted Ebola, you should telephone your GP or local Emergency Department for advice.

DO NOT VISIT your GP or Emergency Department unless you have been advised to do so by the  health facility concerned!

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Welcome to Whitemill Medical Centre!

Balloons Grand Opening!Our team of highly trained professionals are pleased to offer you a comprehensive range of services, delivered in a time and cost-efficient manner.

To make an appointment or for further information

telephone 053 914 0000 or complete our On-Line Contact Form

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CoaguChek© for Warfarin (INR) monitoring

CoaguChekWhitemill Medical Centre now provides the CoaguChek© XS Plus System for Warfarin (INR) monitoring.

It is used to monitor oral anticoagulation therapy – determine the INR value immediately from a single drop of capillary whole blood.

It is generally more convenient and time-efficient than attending a hospital anti-coagulation clinic. You will have the INR result immediately and the dose of warfarin can be adjusted if necessary. This can be useful if you are due to attend your dentist or have hospital day surgery.

Telephone 053 914 0000 for an appointment.

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Ebola info graphic: What you need to know

Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a severe, often fatal illness, with a case fatality rate of up to 90%. It is one of the world’s most virulent diseases.The infection is transmitted by direct contact with the blood, body fluids and tissues of infected animals or people.

Travel to and from Ebola-affected countries is low risk Here is what you need to know

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